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Church Groups

We run various groups in the church to encourage and facilitate fellowship, Christian teaching, prayer, growth & maturity in the faith, and a sense of belonging. These include the following:

St. Patrick's Church Waterford

Discussion Group

We have a vibrant teenage discussion group which meets about 3 Sundays a month during Sunday morning worship. At these meetings teenagers are encouraged and facilitated to discuss issues that are relevant to them with a view of exploring Christian approaches to dealing with them.

St. Patrick,s Gateway Centre Waterford

Ladies Group

Our Ladies group started in 2013.

We meet once a month and an average of 14 ladies attend each meeting. We have also had Bible Studies and Hymns to form a choir for church the following Sunday. We have had fun playing Table Tennis and Bowls. In the summer we have a walk on Woods-town Beach and have a “Bring and Share” supper. We have had two sessions of the board game “Beatles” which caused many laughs. In Christmas and Easter we have a party hosted by one of our members. In Christmas we sing carols. Our friendship between members has deepened and our faith increased through fellowship.

    © 2020 by St. Patrick’s Methodist Church Waterford                                Tel: 051 843 589

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