St. Patrick’s Methodist Church Newsletter
October 2020
Sunday service at 10.30 am
Communion service the first Sunday of each month.
Diary dates
25th October: Harvest day service and Gift day envelopes.
6th October: Committee meeting 7.30 pm
Mission Statement
Over the last few months, the church committee members
have worked to come up with a mission statement for our church.
Why do we need a mission statement?
A mission statement clearly tells others who come to our church
who we are, what we stand for, what we value and
what direction we want to go in.
What is our mission statement?
To love all people sincerely and to use our God-given talents to serve
our community joyfully so that we will become one body in Christ.
In order to fulfil this mission statement, all of us as members will need to work together.
We would love to hear your ideas on what you think we can do to grow stronger in our faith and encourage each other in faith. What can we do to discover the talents God gave us and how can we use them in our church and our community to serve each other? How can we become more forgiving, caring and inclusive of others?
If you have any ideas or suggestions, please discuss them with any member of the church committee.
Prayer requests
Please bring any needs and concerns to Rev. Sahr so that we can pray for each other.
Monthly Teams
Team Redeemer will serve us in October.
The team members are Hanson Nkabyo, Dominic McGuigan, Sonya Petrova, Mary Mtabali, Edward and Gillian Denniston, Peter Mukwenya and family, Kenny Adeleye and family, Jonathan Tetteh and family, Taiwo Oriola and family, Anne Mungai and family, Sean and Catherine Johnston, Camille Aylward and family.
Even though we have four teams who will serve us during the year, we are one body in Christ, and therefore one team. If any team is experiencing a problem on Sunday, for example, they do not have any members there to fulfil one of their responsibilities, then members of the congregation may be called upon to help their brothers and sisters.
Rev. Dr Sahr Yambasu
Mobile: 087 6699251
Church committee members
Alexandre Baizoukou, Immaculate Eddy, Dimakatso Neria Edeh, Joy Egbon, Tom Hosford, Emmanuel Kamara, Helen McCormick, Delphine Miengue, Suzie Oben, Celleste O’Mahoney, William Smith, Lucas Vandi, Rev. Dr Sahr Yambasu